Family Sessions

I have worked with children who are shy, children who are huge extroverts, children who finish the session by telling me where I should be taking the photos (and how), children who hate having their photo taken (like my eldest), children who are very attached to their parents, children who love to run away, children who haven't adjusted to having a sibling, children who seem to be a bottomless hangry pit... the list truly goes one. No matter your child's challenges or brilliant qualities- I promise I will work your family in a genuine, honest and loving way. I will build rapport with each of you and respect their perspective and needs to ensure I meet them exactly where they are (on that day). As a parent, I understand days can be wobbly, especially in a setting that is different to their routine and perhaps after their usual dinner (please always ensure they have full bellies for shoots), after their usual bedtime and they are essentially perhaps feeling like they must "perform" in front of this big camera. I will help them to let that go, it will take a little time, but when they realise their only encouragement is to play and enjoy mummy and daddy, they will relax and take the reigns. So I ask that you relax and help them. Don't sweat the small stuff, let it wash over you and remember I have seen it ALL! They do not have to be perfectly behaved angels, so please lower your expectations and let them get dirty, let them be "big" in their feelings and let them play. You won't regret it, and we will all have more fun in the process. Really try to remember why you booked these photos, and hold onto that reason whenever you feel you might be getting uncomfortable with how things are unravelling. The most common feedback I receive is wow, it felt so chaotic and yet with all that intensity, you documented the most beautiful reality of our family as their natural selves. I promise I never finish a session unless I am certain I captured the beauty of your family.

Depending on the ages of your children, I will recommend locations that suit their natural stage to ensure they have plenty to occupy them during a session. Sessions are usually 1.25-1.5 hours in length and will be lead by your children as they are encouraged to explore and play. For mum, I recommend wearing flowy dresses- ones that are full length and have movement and mid or full sleeves. This helps flatter feminine shapes and perhaps hides any parts of you that you may be critical of. Skirts and dresses double up as a fun element for other children to play in!

I primarily photograph young children, those "challenging" ages of 0-4! In saying that, I can photograph any age and combination, but please know that I might ask your older children to do some random things to ensure all of you give me huge belly laughs and really connect. Most family sessions are outdoors at sunset however I do have some morning locations should you prefer an earlier time of day for your family.